The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137519   Message #3150557
Posted By: GUEST,mg
08-May-11 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Subject: RE: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
About weight loss and carbs..there is no way to say this gently..if you are sensitive to carbs,180 is way way too high to expect to lose weight. Everyone has a different point at which they will, if they have metabolic syndrome, and they say most people who are overweight do have it. I can not lose weight unless I go to almost 40 or 50 grams per day I will maintain and above that I will gain. Needless to say, I maintain, lose a little and slip. I find that the higher fat I eat, especially bacon, the more easily I can say within a very low carb regimen and lose weight and keep my blood sugar out of diabetic ranges. I would read books by Dr. Robert Thompson, a metabolic specialist in Seattle...I see him for my personal doctor and he is really great.

If you are sensitive to carbs, unless you moonlight as a lumberjack, 180 carbs per day, no matter what a nutritionist or doctor or other white coat tells you, is way too high for most people with this problem to lose weight. I would cut back to 100, eliminate all white and other flours, keep one piece of fruit, no fruit juice, perhaps a small amount of oats, brown rice, spelt, buckwheat..and frankly the less of those the better. Enjoy meat, cheese, butter...if your carbs are low enough to avoid too much insulin, and you are sensitive to carbs and insulin, and etc. should lose weight, with or without exercising. Actually I don't think most people lwith metabolic syndrome or insulin sensitivity or whatever will lose weight at 100 grams...that is just a starting can keep cutting back and you do not need to count calories (usually) or fat. It would help if you got your insulin levels checked.   

I don't have any trouble with the food part of is the logisitics for me that are a I maintain pretty well but really need to step it up to lose..and not slip. I have convinced myself now there are no exception days for carbs..can still have other treats like chocolate, cheesecake, high fat ice cream. I could eat a pound of butter and two pounds of bacon a day and not gain weight, and essentially two slices of the healthiest bread your Russian grandmother used to make will cause me to gain weight...

We are given very bad and incorrect and in fact malpractice information. The information is out there, but you have to believe it more than you believe your doctor, which we are not trained to good luck. mg