The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137519   Message #3150917
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
09-May-11 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Subject: RE: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
I am still here. As Susan says, I have been on FB but that is lighter reading and easier for my poor poisoned brain. Ever since the Friday night, about a month ago, when I was exposed to toxins at the Cafe, I have been having difficulty. My environmental sensitivity has kicked in big time. I have had few days with energy. Reading and absorbing what I read is very bad. The chronic anger is horrific and I have had a couple of terrifying episodes. A friend got on my case about "the anger doesn't help" while holding me prisoner in a toxic room. I thought I had gotten across to her that the anger is not optional; it is my brain dysfunction screaming in protest that it is being hurt.

Then I went to the dentist on 4 May and whatever toxins that entailed had me drugged for two days. That night and the next morning I could not get out of bed. I have been taking one or two detox baths a day depending on what else must be done. etc, etc...

We had two good weekends in the country and part of another. In spite of the other, things were coming along nicely until the dentist hit. Now I am a limp noodle, unable to express what I need to say, unable to do more than the bare essentials and living with other people being annoyed at my "anger" over which I have very minimal control. Hard on me, hard on Robin, hard on others. AFter one episode, I was told by two "friends" that I should just stay home.

I am doing everything possible. Phoned my health consultant last monday; emailed her last night. It seems ridiculous at one level. It is not life threatening but it is really a disability - an invisible disability. People do not understand that I have been studying on this for almost 12 years, Connie for almost 20 - since her son was poisoned.

A friend has sent me a link to an environmental health org which is holding a conference here in Montreal on Thurs, with instant translation. But unless Robin can go with me, I won't understand much. My auditory processing is at a very low level.

Oh dear, that is all I can write. This too will pass.