The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137722   Message #3151273
Posted By: DMcG
10-May-11 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Even at the Brownies!
Subject: RE: BS: Even at the Brownies!
Everyone wants to grow up faster.

Normal... at seven years of age?

About a year ago I was in discussion with my aforementioned daughter who, at six, had her description of the Christmas story read out as part of the school concert. She remembered agonising - at six, mind you - over the bit where Mary asks the angel how she can be expecting a child "as she has never known a man". She knew perfectly well what it meant, thank you, but how to express it sufficiently delicately had concerned her greatly. She described wincing as that bit approached.

But there's no way she would have taken part in something like that show willingly. For one thing, she would have made the case that the whole purpose of Brownies was cooperation, whereas this sounds too competitive. She got enough competition in other activities, and unless the Brownies offered something distinctive she would have questioned its point. It was for very much that reason she didn't join the guides a few years later.

(Yes, she could be quite a handful and has never been short of opinions!)