The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35604   Message #3153137
Posted By: JohnInKansas
13-May-11 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: Help: I need free plan for hammered dulcimer
Subject: RE: Help: I need free plan for hammered dulcimer
Is it worth noting that only the last two posts are less than 10 years old?

Having some experience with kits and scratch DIY instrument fun-n-games, I think my approach would be to study up on how people play the instrument of interest, and then see what I could invent that sounds purty when I do that to it.

But I've been the subject of (flattering??) observations that I "don't always think quite like reg'lar people," so that might not be the best approach for others.

I'm pretty sure I've got all the essential hardware for a small h-dulcimer, but I've been savin' up for about 15 years since I picked up the pins to be able to buy enough decent wood to get started on it.

A free plan doesn't come close to meaning a free (or even cheap) instrument. And without all the right "headbone" work, all you're likely to get is something that sounds like a cheap kit (if that good) - - and lots of glue under yer fingernails.
