The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #315485
10-Oct-00 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: RE: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
I dunno whut ta beleev cuz I dun seen so many thangs that I dunno nuthin bowt. But them crop sirculs got moren wun way of splanin them. Like the time Paw fell asleep owt inna feeld and when he rolt over he ripped a biggun an flattened them beans all roundt him fer bowt 2 hunnert feet. Me na Buford figgert ta make a killin givin tours an all, but the smell wuz so bad fer dayz after thet nobuddy wud take the tour. Well it wuz that an the fact that some feller inna airplane took an overhead shot whut showed Paw layin rite in the center of that sircul uv flattened beans with the seat of his britches blown out so thet kinda put a dampur on the thang rite from the start. Wurze thang wuz thet we hadda pay ol man Timmons whut wuz the feller who oant the beans fur the damages sinz Paw dun killt the beanz.

I do know thet I kin be purty dowtfull uv stuff myself cuz on sum dayz I haint reely shur I exist.