The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #315526
Posted By: mousethief
10-Oct-00 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: RE: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
I am afraid I must disagree with Ebbie, at least as to the universality of the statement "these things do happnen." I have never had anything even remotely "rum" (to use the British word) happen to me. My mom had poltergeist experiences, I have friends who have had near-death experiences, friends who claim past-life-type memories, know people who claim to have experienced angels, disembodied voices, etc. etc. but none of these things ever seem to happen to me. It's not for my being all that skeptical. Although I am somewhat empirical (to use a less laden word), I am also a religious person, although I have never experienced anything which you might call "mysterious" or "noumenous" or what-have-you.

I think if an angel, or a saint, or a ghost, or a god, or whatever, were to approach me, I'd probably drop into a dead faint. Perhaps that's why they don't -- they're being polite, not wishing to harm me.
