The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #315588
Posted By: mousethief
10-Oct-00 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: RE: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?

I say, "man if that ever happened to me I think I'd faint dead away."

But reports from others are quite different from something happening to oneself, because they are always filtered through that person's belief system -slash- worldview, which never precisely coincides with one's own.

One need not be delusional to be mistaken, or to misinterpret what one experiences. Of course if such things happened to me, and I were to tell you about them, then *I* would be the one interpreting and filtering. So I do not judge others when they tell me their tales; I don't necessarily agree with them or believe their interpretatin of their experience, however. But I don't discount or dismiss it because it doesn't fit with my worldview (if in fact it doesn't in any particular case), either. Thus I usually refer to myself as "agnostic" on these things. I just don't know.
