The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5475   Message #31564
Posted By: Bill D
28-Jun-98 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Tree songs? esp. Celtic?
Cut and pasted from an earlier thread. Since I deal with the insides of trees, I look for songs about the uses and mythology of 'wood', whether for burning or turning.


If I had a piece of Maple, white or red or pink,
I'd turn you a set of chair legs, so you could set and think.
And when you set and think, love, I hope you'll think of me;
For I'd like to be there in you thoughts, if not in your company.

If I had a piece of Coachwood, white and fine and pure,
I'd turn you a handle smooth and round, a handle for your door.
And when I'd come to see you, you could make that handle spin,
And open up the door, my love, and let your true love in.

If I had a piece of Silky Oak, with even-textured grain,
I'd turn you a lampstand for your light, a table tall and plain.
And when you turn your light on, I hope it'll be for me;
'Cause you're the light of my life, the only one for me.

If I had a piece of Cedar, grain well shot with red,
I'd turn you a set of corner posts for a fine double bed.
A bed for you to lie on with the one that you love best,
But I hope you'll lie with me, love, and farewell all the rest.

Well, I'm a turner. That's my trade, as you can plainly see;
But the I'd really like to do, is turn your heart to me.
Alas, at that I have no skill. I never learned the art,
And Cedar, Maple, and Silky Oak won't make a woman's heart.

Written by Phyl Lobl...Australia