The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26240   Message #315640
Posted By: GUEST,Amos
10-Oct-00 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Subject: RE: Alternative Beliefs - a pattern?
Aw, and here we wuz havin a seeryus conversashun.

Wal, ya nivver know whatcha can do til ya try.

Wun time ah decided to git ma truck up to a hunnert an twenny, and evvyone sed No Way, Hosay, cuz its a '68 with shellacked carbs,an'o springs to speek of... but Ah jes _knew_ ah could so Ah took out on the Gulfport road and got up to ninety; and I said, "Ah KNOW Ah kin dooit" and started down the long grade tuh the Misszipi bridge and got up to 104, but Ah wasnt gonna settle fer thet. Annyway, Ah knew Ah could do one-twenny. An' jess as Ah got tuh the bridge the left front retread come off and Ah went over the bluff which is 'bout two hunnert feet up fum the accident, you wuld think... and by the time thet truck hit the river she was for sure doin one-twenny cuz the officer on the case tole me it wuz so. Weeeird, huh??? Scairy tuh think!