The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26320   Message #315742
Posted By: Haruo
10-Oct-00 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: British Grenadiers-why is tune called Sheffield?
Subject: British Grenadiers — Sheffield, why?
In the Northern-Baptist/Disciples-of-Christ tradition* the tune known to the rest of the world as "The British Grenadiers" is used as a hymn tune (most notably for Montgomery's Hail to the Lord's Anointed) and is called SHEFFIELD. I'm wondering how it got this monicker as a hymn tune.

I learned the hymn to this tune as a Baptist kid from the Baptist/Disciples' Christian Worship: A Hymnal (1941), and I see the Disciples are still using it in their fascinating 1995 Chalice Hymnal.

Roger from Sheffield's name suggested the query to me. I think I'll post my Jonah oratorio soon, which also uses this tune.
