The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26317   Message #315758
Posted By: raredance
10-Oct-00 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is it with cassettes?
Subject: RE: BS: What is it with cassettes?
My problem (excuse) is the lack of a suitable case/shelf/storage container to put them in. I just can't find anything. Otherewise they would all be nicely in alphabetical order, except for the messylaneous radio recordings that have all manner of artist and music. I absolutely hate storage containers that have prefitted slots (at his applies to CDs also). Any time a new one enters the home realm, You've got to pull them all out of their slots all the way to the end to fit the new one in alphabetical order. I have even searched the web a couple times looking for the perfect storage vehical with no success. The result is a collection of odd sized boxes not more than 3 1/2 inches deep that look ugly and the desired tape is always in the box under all the others (unless its' in the pile upstairs, or at work or in the car or in the boat or in my son's room or in my travel bag or....)

rich r