The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26317   Message #315784
Posted By: katlaughing
10-Oct-00 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is it with cassettes?
Subject: RE: BS: What is it with cassettes?
I had the most perfect receptacle given me by a dear friend. Tapes fit perfectly. It is an old library card catalogue with those little slots for labels, so what few tapes fit (it's only a twelve drawer one) are organised according to genre. Others are in small baskets and those little wooden crates, as well as stacked on top of, to the side of, and in front of the tape player!

I have seen a couple of catalogues which sell new versions of card catalogues, specifically for tapes or CD's. I think one of them was Sundance, another might have been Vermont Country Store, and another may have been Wireless.
