The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137761   Message #3157868
Posted By: GUEST,mg
20-May-11 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: Schwarzenegger Divorce
Subject: RE: Schwarzenegger Divorce
I think she has seen the writing on the wall for some time. The saddest part is thinking of those two young boys, who I think will be affected the most, due to their age, which is identical. It is not that they are half-brothers, but twins essentially..and the family, aunts or uncles, has to find a way to get therapy for the other children, but especially them, and if they have not already met, meeting under safe and controlled circumstances eventually. And Arnold, if he has not already, needs to add the boy as a son and acknowledge him. It will be awful for Maria and the children, but I think it has to be done, with professional guidance. mg