The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91497   Message #3157894
Posted By: MorwenEdhelwen1
20-May-11 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Adopting Alien Traditions
Subject: RE: Folklore: Adopting Alien Traditions
As i said in the "performing other trads" thread (in which this one was mentioned), I think the same thing as most of the people who answered my question there, (BTW, thanks everyone who answered, I now have a strong idea of what I should do about becoming a calypsonian), that is that if you want to learn a musical tradition, you should show it proper respect. That could mean not singing or playing something that is sacred or of political significance, or could be construed as offensive, or asking for permission as some people may be uneasy at the thought of "outsiders" performing their music. This is mostly about music with a strong central tradition, but you should also respect the tradition if you are sincere about performing the genre you want to perform but there is no central tradition.