The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136004   Message #3158399
Posted By: Donuel
21-May-11 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavik
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
The state of Maine is shaking and making gun shot like sounds as thousands of mini surface quakes are going off. This is supposedly due to the crust spring back from the 2 miles of ice that pressed down on Maine just 12,000 years ago.

Why a bit more quakes than usual? Why is Mars and even Jupiter and Saturn on a warming trend? Why is the general wierdness factor seemingly going up?

You know how the galaxy is like a spiraled disk? The Solar system rotates around the Milky Way in a tilted orbit that goes slightly above the disk to slightly below every52 million years or so.

Right now we have come from "below" into the region which is level with the most averaged mass in the outer spiral disk.
In other words we are in the thick of it.

Be it ordinary matter or hyperdimensional dark matter or something else the whole solar system is now going through and somehow interacting with more "stuff" than we usually do.

THis might just be enough to loosen tectonic plates or add a bit more gravity to interact with the Earth.

This is purely my own speculation but it seems pure enough to be true.