The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138084   Message #3159670
Posted By: Lox
24-May-11 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK debt increasing more than ever
Subject: BS: UK debt increasing more than ever
So Osborne needs to make cuts to essential services to deal with the UK debt right?

Then why has borrowing soared to the highest levels ever?

"Today's data release by the Office for National Statistics reveals that public borrowing rose to £10bn last month, £2.7bn higher than a year ago and the worst figure ever recorded for the month of April."

So what are the cuts financing then?

Oh of course silly me - they're there to fund the tax cut for the super rich.

"It's worth noting that the difference is largely due to Labour's 50 per cent tax on bank bonuses over £25,000, which raised £3.5bn last year. Osborne's decision not to repeat the tax (as Ed Balls has demanded) means that revenue is significantly lower this year."

So let me get this right we need the tories because of the huge debt labour left us yeah? .... so what about the bigger debt being left to us by the tories?

The fat cats aren't just taking the cream, they want all the milk too so they can piss it away for their own amusement.