The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138058 Message #3159683
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
24-May-11 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: British Folk Art
Subject: RE: British Folk Art
Nice one, David - I'm one of that happy breed of Committed Bellamists on that Oak Ash Thorn album BTW...
One of the things I like about Folk Album Art in general is just how it's determined by a Collective Aesthetic of how such a thing ought to look; from OAT to VOTP, and beyond... I've just had the pleasure of reviewing the latest offeruings from John Kirkpatrick & Jim Causley, both of which unashamedly proclaim their graphic tradition in this respect. And then there's things like THIS which becomes all the more terrifying when we realise that it was made in the same year as THIS...