The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138058   Message #3159700
Posted By: GUEST,Suibhne Astray
24-May-11 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: British Folk Art
Subject: RE: British Folk Art
I love the Sepia Vignette me; I love Folk Albums that look like Folk Albums - just as Heavy Metal albums look like Heavy Metal Albums and ECM albums look like ECM albums (even ECM Folk Albums, such as those by Robin Williamson). If we accept the idea of Folk Music, then Folk Image is all part of that surely? The parameters are certainly intriguing though. In the 80s they tried to get away from it, but even Peter Bellamy's 1985 EFDSS album Second Wind still manages to look like Folk Album - God knows it certainly sounds like one, so why worry? That is the nature of Folk: if I want to see truly radical album graphics then I'll buy something with truly radical music to match. Meanwhile, I'll continue to indulge with my fondness for Alia Vox albums which are proud to be exactly what they are in terms of image / product and visual beauty.