The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26317 Message #315978
Posted By: Bill D
10-Oct-00 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is it with cassettes?
Subject: RE: BS: What is it with cassettes?
my cassettes were just FINE till I oved here and found 3 major folk/celtic/bluegrass/country radio programs and got a programmable recorder!....and I was never anal retentative enough to label them well...I started taping my records and labeling THEM about the same time, but I only got about 75 out of 500 records done, because I kept using the tapes for radio programs...was gonna re-sort and save just the good parts of 3 & 4 hour I have the usual piles, and when I play a tape, I ALWAYS find a few things I just CANT*sigh*