I've got 38 boxes (plastic) that I bought at K-Mart over the years. Each box is a foot long and wide enough for a cassette. I have no individual boxes for the cassettes. About 26 cassettes are in each box.The boxes are marked "A", "B", "C" etc. Each tape has some info on it --printed---and each cassette is numbered and the Box's letter is there too----A1, A2, A3 etc.
In a 3x5 card file I've got a card for each tape on which I taped the J-card "liner notes". I am now up to BOX Double K = KK
When I played my Mississippi River gigs in the 80s and 90s I had a 68 mile drive over and back from the river every other day for 6 months of the year. I'd grab one of the boxes of cassettes before leaving home for the drive to the river from central Illinois.
During the boat season I would go through the entire cassette collection at least twice.
Art Thieme