The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115701   Message #3161740
Posted By: GUEST,joe rodgers
28-May-11 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: ADD: I'm in Love with Sarah Palin (Joe Rodgers)
Subject: new joe and the plumbers videos
Hello, all: Just to let you know that our little polka band ( Joe and the Plumbers, who did "I'm in Love with Sarah Palin a while back)has posted 2 new you tube videos you might , hopefully enjoy:
1: HEY ,MOLLIE B ( a tribute to the most talented and beautiful female polka musician , Mollie Busta , who plays every band instrument and sings beautifully , AND who is starting 2 (!) nationwide ( via satellite RFD-TV) polka programs,featuring bands, festivals and all styles of polka music this week ( June 1st , 2011) on RFD-TV ;
as well as ( POLKA MEETS POP ) , "THE BALLAD OF JUSTIN BIEBER" ( by joe and the Plumbers) in tribute to pop music's best-selling star ---A tribute to his wonderful career, inspired by our younger generation's love for this fine young artist.
    I hope many of you enjoy our latest "polka-folksy" offerings ---and, on this Memorial Day ( in the US ) weekend, we wish the best to all our Mudcat friends, in the US and Canada , as well as in the UK, in Ireland, and everywhere.
    Sincerely, Joe rodgers ( of "Joe and the Plumbers", Connecticut, USA