The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137519   Message #3161981
Posted By: LilyFestre
29-May-11 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
Subject: RE: BS: May 2011 Declutter & Fitness Records*
I can't sleep so I've swept the kitchen, bathroom and hallway, cleared the table, filled in Jeremiah's 2nd year baby calendar, completely emptied the diaper bag and restocked it, wrote 2 letters, emptied a large bag that I had taken to my mom's house the other day when we didn't have power...I had to go out that evening so I took 2 outfits (couldn't make up my mind), hair gear, makeup, etc. as well as baby gear for that day. I put away things picked up at the store this evening, packed the fishing box (permanent items such as sunscreen, bug spray, my small tackle bag and anti-bacterial wipes (ewww...fishy hands) so it's ready to go when we get the urge to go fish (hopefully that will be part of tomorrow!) I had my nails repolished today so they are pretty for the reunion tomorrow. Hmmm...oh yeah..brought in the laundry from the line, folded what was dry and hung the rest on the rack or in odd spots around the house. I imagine it will all be dry by morning...that's my hope anyway.

I have a Zumba partner, actually someone I met a year or two ago and our friendship has been getting closer and closer. She lost her sister as a child and has longed for a sister ever since. She asked me if I would be her sister. I was so honored! Anyway, she came to a Relay For Life event last night. It was supposed to be a mini luminary ceremony in the town park but at the time we were to set up, tornado warnings came across the radio and a mean storm blew through. So, in the end, it was canceled but AB and I got to spend some time together and that made us both happy. When she initially arrived, she was yelling to me across the street, waving her arms. She made her way over to my car where I was loading things up and I stopped to tell her how happy I was that she came for the event and I gave her a hug. She was practically giddy hugging me and then she planted about 5 kisses on my cheek! I shrieked and laughed....what a nut...I had NOT been expecting that!!   I think I am going to like having a sister very much. :) My point? Just that I have a partner to go to Zumba with so I have been much more inclined to actually get to class. Does anyone else here do Zumba? Does anyone find themselves getting kinda nauseous with all the hip twisting and movement? I was feeling a bit green for a little bit.... Overall, I really like it. I like that it's all shapes, sizes and ages of people....all of us shaking our booty, dancing around like we know what we are doing, clapping, etc. It's just FUN! :)

I should be in bed but this reunion thing is on my mind. I'm sure it will be fun and just fine, if not, the fishing gear will be in the truck and we can head over early and spend time on the lake. I haven't seen some of these people in 25 years. Others I have been connecting with on facebook but not in least not yet. One friend came from Iowa and she brought her grandaughter who is a month younger than Jeremiah....can't wait to see her and Little Allie Mae.

Ok. I'm going to go lay in the dark and daydream myself to sleep.

Sweet Dreams Everybody!
