The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135965   Message #3163016
Posted By: MikeL2
31-May-11 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Football 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Football 2011

Yes there are many people who decide for whatever reason to suppoort clubs that are not geographically close to them.

"Celebrities" appear to do this - maybe just for publicity reasons.

Some years ago my son's employers owned two boxes at Old Trafford and we went as guests very often. The number of " celebrities" there proudly wearing Manchester United favours was surprising as many of them were not English and knew next to nothing about football.
Of course many here will recall Roy Kean referring to these as "the Prawn Sandwich Brigade".

Of course outside the boxes things were different and yes there were supporters who travelled great distances each week to watch United; but they by and large were football fans and quite knowledgeable about the game.

My family from great-grandfather down have all supported Manchester United. I was born there and although my playing days included playing football until I joined the Air Force when I took up Rugby Union which I played until I was of an age that I should have known better when to

On finishing at that time I found football (United) much more exciting than rugby to watch so I returned to the family line and became a follower.

I still watch a lot of rugby of both codes and will confess that at times both are now as exciting to watch as football.

Like Michael I look forward to the day when the authorities finally decide to act on the installation of rules that limit the numbers of overseas players and also of the making clubs more wary of falling into debt.

As a final line can I just crow about my youngest grandson aged 7 who has been selected to attend the Manchester United Academy in September.

