The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26348   Message #316364
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Oct-00 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Help: YOUR Favorite Hymns
Subject: YOUR Favorite Hymns
I have been leading the singing and choosing the music for our Saturday night service for several years now, and have mostly played what I like. Something is missing sometimes, in how I do it. Can you help me out? Tell me your favorite hymsn, here or in PM or e-mail, and why, and then I will sing them thinking of you and I bet it will shift something into place that has been heading for its place for a long time. And it will also be a way I pray for you... I pray when I sing, and even more so when I practice.

I may need help with tunes. Still all so new to me. So if you know I tune I can't find, can I call you up to hear it? I have a HUGE word book, but fewer tunes throughout all my other books!

My fantasy is all of you, and others, on my lawn, and spread out over the surrounding hills as needed, among the cows and the deer and the foxes, and of course we all have microphones! Or huge voices!!! And we are swapping hymns until we run out of new ones, and I memorize them all instantly, and people coming and going in an endless supply... um, I guess we'll need a cook... and portapotties.... and a videographer...

Oh. OK. Real life. Your hymns. Please?
