The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126519   Message #3163640
Posted By: GUEST,db806
01-Jun-11 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Wreck of the N&W Cannonball
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wreck of the N&W Cannonball
Don't know if this thread is still open but I stumbled upon this thread when researching my genealogy. My great-grand uncle photographed this wreck. He was a professional photographer who lived in Petersburg, VA and ran a photography studio there. One of the photos (not attributed to him unfortunately) is held in the Norfolk and Western Photograph Collection at Virginia Tech. The url for it is:

I know that this photograph was taken by my great-granduncle E. D. Macfee, Jr. of Petersburg, VA as I have the same photo in his collection. Evidently he sold the image to the general public on cardstock as a postcard. Mine shows the price he charged. It appears he charged 50 cents for this particular image. One of his sideline businesses was using photographs on cardstock and producing postcards, a popular way to communicate in the early 1900s. You could have my uncle take your picture, produce it on postcards and then could mail your image to your friends. I also have another picture of the same accident taken from a different angle.