There's a patch of a weed grass in the garden to pull out today, and I have to finish transplanting a few things. It's so hot I have to be careful when I do it. Last year I let the volunteer tomatoes grow where they wanted, and it became such a thatch I couldn't walk between the plants. I'm trying to avoid that this time round by moving the volunteers that are in the wrong places.
Another load of laundry to hang, and I need to address paper still. I have used newspaper under mulch in the garden, and I'll continue that, but I still have too much, so it's a trip to the recycle bin this week.
Pulled some shoes out of my closet that I don't wear any more. They were cute, and comfortable to stand in, but not comfortable to walk in (an important distinction!) I'm not weeding clothes right now because I am now making a concerted effort at weight loss, so I'd like to shrink myself into wearing them. I'll accumulate some Goodwill stuff for this week also.
I'll clear my desktop now, then head out for a while in the garden. I've already set up sprinklers, but mostly have been in the kitchen emptying and cleaning canisters for stuff. I had some quinoa that was pretty old, and I decided to try keeping my sea salt in a mason jar (we'll see what happens to the lid).
Just had a call from a friend in Arizona with a laundry list of things she needs help with. I'll put a few links in an email to her to get her started, and finish up on that next week. Gotta go hang up my laundry in the yard and get moving.