The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137528   Message #3165962
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Jun-11 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
Subject: RE: BS: obit: Osama Bin Laden ???
"And Jim, you accuse me of an "extremely vicious racist attack on British Pakistanis""
One more time Keith
If you did not write:
"There is lots of other dreadful crime for which other groups are responsible, but let us accept that this is a crime that the culture (not the religion) of the Pakistani community is largely responsible for."
about the British Pakistani community (numbering 1.2 million people) based on a tiny handful of examples, then I unreservedly withdraw my comment that you made racist statements and I apologise unreservedly.
I find such a statement outageously racist, and so did others on that thread - we might be wrong though!
Similarly, if you did not contibute 535 postings (not the final figure by any means, but I can't be arsed re-counting them) attempting to prove that the British Pakistani community were predominant in procuring underage girls for sex, on a thread supposedly dealing with Muslim prejudice, then I withdraw my accusation that you are accusing me of thread creep when you have been guilty of the same to a spectacular degree elsewhere, and again, I apologise unrervedly.
Jim Carroll