The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138322   Message #3166056
Posted By: Musket
06-Jun-11 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: new £18k a year private UK college
Subject: RE: BS: new £18k a year private UK college
I must be a bit thick, (as I noted above..) but a new university with a different approach? Me? I'd be cautiously excited.

There is a hell of a lot of talent in many universities, and just like every other area of work, success attracts success. I was a sales manager in a large multinational company many years ago. I was persuaded to join the board of a much smaller company and had problems attracting good staff, as we didn't have the name or kudos. As sales increased, our name was used more, got to write in trade magazines etc, and guess what? The talent that wouldn't touch us before were beating a path to our door all of a sudden.

So if this is a success, it will attract talent at the teaching end and improve its status even more. if it isn't, then like many commercial ventures, it will wither on the vine.

But tell you what, I'll write the obituary based on success and failure, not some perceived sense of political drive behind it...