The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138322   Message #3166266
Posted By: GUEST,davemc
06-Jun-11 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: new £18k a year private UK college
Subject: RE: BS: new £18k a year private UK college
Looks like a private institution run by fashionably fundamentalist-atheist labour-inclined BBC luvvies. Should give Harriet Harperson and the other Guardian-reading multi-millionaire lefty hypocrites somewhere to send their tie-died progeny.

£18k per year is nothing to the Toynbees and Rusbridgers of this world. Let the others eat cake... At least Dawkins will be able to continue pretending to be a scientist (well, at least of the special kind that refuses to publicly debate with qualified opponents). He and Grayling can bore each other senseless.