The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26164   Message #316793
Posted By: John in Brisbane
11-Oct-00 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here -2
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here -2
Congratulations to all those who've contributed so avidly in the last few months. I have a couple of extra points to make here:

I've seen a number of tunes posted that are repeats of previous work done. Sorry Snuffy, but The Stone Outside is a case in point. It's a pity if a labour of love could have been better used on something else. I can't remember if it was Alison or I who did the original posting, but I've only recently discovered that some of my earlier postings don't appear to have made it into the Midis. I'll review MMario's list, but I must admit I forget them fairly quickly after I've worked on them.

I was very interested to read the note about NWC at the top of this thread. I'll need some time to provide a more detailed response. What I will say briefly now is that asking contributors to do the little bit of work up front will (hopefully) save Dick a huge amount of work later on. More of this anon.

Regards, John