The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138322   Message #3168207
Posted By: Musket
10-Jun-11 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: new £18k a year private UK college
Subject: RE: BS: new £18k a year private UK college
Presumably exams are similar to when I was a lad, (or were a lad, depending on which jars most for Bridge,) and they still have more than one question....

For a student fresh from college, the exams form a large part of the CV credentials, but they melt in to experience, expertise and demonstrable achievements over time.

There again, rather bemused to sit here debating whether a cocked up question in an exam makes the whole CV idea invalid.. A CV is a system that allows you to show you have a vivid imagination. Oh, and that can be a good thing...

Education for education sake is a wonderful thing, but unless you intend to sit like a baby bird in a nest with your mouth open to be fed by the welfare system for the rest of your life, if you are capable of benefiting from an education, you should use it to get on and put something back to the society that trained you.