The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26360   Message #316874
Posted By: kimmers
12-Oct-00 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
Thank you Alice, for speaking up on the dairy products myth. I have yet to ever see any scientific proof of any association between the consumption of dairy and the production of mucus. As far as I can tell, the myth is based on two things: one's throat does feel coated after a swig of milk, and diary products often *sound* revolting when one has a cold. But if cold milk or hot cocoa are what you are craving, I can't find any evidence that it will set you back.

How come no one ever starts evil rumor about Brussels sprouts? Or overcooked canned green beans? I could have used some rumors like that as a kid.

For what it's worth, I think our choir sounds its best at the annual post-Lessons and Carols party, after we've all had 2-4 drinks apiece and are gathered 'round the piano. Whether the booze loosens us up so we sing better, or whether we just can't tell how bad we sound... who knows?
