Multiple yard sales today, got some GREAT deals for my wee one.
National Cancer Survivor Day Celebration at my hospital. My surgeon was the one giving the speech today...I heard him long before I saw him and even commented to my mom...I hear my doctor!!! Sure enough! Afterwards, I went to say hello and he greeted me with open arms, said he KNEW I was going to be there today and that he loved my hair!!! I love that he knows me by name outside his office!!! I also got to meet his wife and to tell her that I think she is married to a very special man and that he saved my life. Kinda teary about it, but that's ok!!!
Got new walking shoes on the way home and stopped at Sam's Club for a few things.
I was on my feet a LOT today and I'm having an issue with my foot that has been ongoing for a few weeks now. Monday I'll be making an appointment to have that looked at.
No decluttering going on here in the past few days...busy with Relay For Life stuff, a survivor breakfast and running around in general.