The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43571   Message #3169193
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
12-Jun-11 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Help: Why a finger in the ear?
Subject: RE: Help: Why a finger in the ear?
The great Paul Robeson used this technique at times, and I have seen film of Ella Fitzgerald doing the same thing. As stated earlier, the Watersons do it, Martin Carthy also. The late John Reavey did it. Al Atkinson, grand singer from Nottingham does. I think all this sniping from the media, and from non-trad music people, is a load of tripe, a sneer so common it's become a cliche. My guess is that the 'finger in the ear'jibes were started by people who didn't like Ewan MacColl, and who couldn't hear that he sang magnificently.   Who cares if a singer uses the hand/ear technique, or sings with his/her eyes shut? If a good song well sung is the result, let's have more of it. Burl.