The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26334   Message #316989
Posted By: Escamillo
12-Oct-00 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: some people always here HOW?
Subject: RE: some people always here HOW?
I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Once I was visiting some official Department to apply for a driving license, and for some reason that I don't remember, I said " ..I THINK THAT.." (and I said it in English!) .Immediately I was taken to the State Secretary of Intelligence, and compulsively hired as a spy, and assigned to investigate the intentions of evil folkies, bluers and celtics to culturally penetrate our traditions, that's why I'm here so frequently. My orders now are to prepare a counter-penetration weapon (a CD with some traditionals sung by myself) that they are planning to use (as a last resort, considering the probably high number of casualties) against that ill-intentioned campaign.

Viva la patria. - Andrés