The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138507   Message #3170321
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
14-Jun-11 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: Google ads on Mudcat
Subject: RE: Google ads on Mudcat
Unfortunately, I miss them all. (AdBlock Plus). I didn't mind the Google ads, but the Amazon ones and some others made pages load s l o w.

I'm afraid I block all adds these days as I dislike and distrust behavioural targeting. While I'm not sure this has happened at Mudcat (and I'm not sure if adsense does this one), at worst I've visited some sites and found the exact product and company I'd been looking at come up as an advert. I've even gone back and browsed other products to find them appear - to me anyway, that gives a horrible sort of "big brother" feeling.