The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136685   Message #3170769
Posted By: ChanteyLass
14-Jun-11 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Mystic Sea Music Festival 2011 line-up
Subject: RE: Mystic Sea Music Festival 2011 line-up
Great photos, Charley! I don't know how you got them up so fast! I'm still catching up on sleep! This year I didn't take any photos except two with my phone at the closing concert.

In spite of my having posted a message from Mystic saying there would be no food vendors at the evening concerts, they were there on Friday but not Thursday or Saturday because of rain. They were also there during the Sunday closing concert. Because their presence was inconsistent, it was a good thing I had made other arrangements. I did buy some beverages to supplement the water I'd brought. Charley, I'm glad the performers had a reliable source for meals.

Please tell your bandmates that I was glad they sang How Can I Keep from Singing at the church sing. I was hoping someone would do it, and they did it well.

I saw Jon Campbell at the closing concert on Sunday. That was the only time I saw him there.

I hope to get back to the seaport for their Independence Day celebration. It is the day after New Bedford's Summerfest. I plan to go to both days of that but will commute from home and won't make it to Mystic if I am too tired.