The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138595   Message #3173410
Posted By: The Sandman
20-Jun-11 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
Subject: RE: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
Martin, that is not good enough,Peter illegally and without my permission did a bootleg recording of a Folk on TWO Broadcast, he could have contacted either Joe Stead or I and asked for a complimentary record, as far as I am concerned I would have sent him one., or he could have even bought a copy.
but, no, he chose to without permission bootleg his own version, it may now be available for private study, big deal, it is available now courtesy of myself for everyone to study on you tube.
however my memory which is still pretty good, but not infallible tells me that particular folk cassette, was not always just for private study,if it was why did he not contact me at the time and ask me.
Martin there exists in this world such a thing as good manners and courtesy, so no, we cannot knock the fact that he attempted to sell a track commercially,if he had contacted me and said could I have or even buy a copy for private study,I would have given him one for free.
and here for the rest of the world it is for free, so f### People that underhandedly bootlegs other peoples recordings and dont have a modicum of decency and good manners.