The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5808   Message #3173632
Posted By: GUEST,California
20-Jun-11 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lagan Love
Subject: RE: Origins: Lagan Love
Guys I love you all! Hey I'm reading this in California more than 10 years after some of you wrote, and the clues and discussion are great. I've wondered forever what the words meant. The only thing I can contribute is: Frank Patterson. I know the song from his recording on an album I got in the 1980s. My record player doesn't work anymore and youtube doesn't have it, but I still hear him singing it in my head and no other version I can find now tops it. Frank Patterson Frank Patterson Frank Patterson! Roisin O'Reilly's version on youtube is very good too, and I wish someone would post Jean Redpath's so I could hear it. Also, I would never have guessed to go looking for a sister song called Quiet Joys of Brotherhood, but Sandy Denny's version on youtube is wonderful to find, thanks. And, Unchained Melody? Wouldn't have thought of that either, but I guess you're kinda right. An anthem of the heart.

Special thanks to:
26 Jul 98 - 11:24 PM Moira Cameron - door ring / keyhole
16 Sep 99 - 07:44 AM John Moulden - great info
28 Feb 08 - 02:17 PM Guest - making me laugh