The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138595   Message #3174089
Posted By: greg stephens
21-Jun-11 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
Subject: RE: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
I have to admit to the dreadful crime of recording songs off radio folk programmes onto a cassette. The Good Soldier thinks this is a crime; I don't. I bet most of us have done the same. And have not the slightest objection to the practise. I am absolutely delighted that Peter Kennedy recorded a number of my own radio prorammes and catalogued them. Otherwise they would have been lost, the BBC was not specially motivated when it came to archiving their own folk recordings!
Peter Kennedy may or not have been guilty of some dubious practises. Putting his cassette recorder in front of the speaker for Folk on 2 wasn't one of them.