The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138645   Message #3175070
Posted By: GUEST,MC Fat
23-Jun-11 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: Beverley - PVFF ten years
Subject: RE: Beverley - PVFF ten years
Mick I'm all for comrades working together being a socialist like you and in no way was the last posting I made meant in any way to be critical of you. I think over the year Chris Wade has wanted 'a 'green field site' festival and if you are charging stalls concessions and have a craft fair then those people want to see footfall to get a return. The festival has certainly moved on from the time when the scouts ran the (excellent) butty tent. The PVFF was a very special event and it would be good to mark it with the support of the 'official' festival