The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138645   Message #3175608
Posted By: Kampervan
24-Jun-11 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: Beverley - PVFF ten years
Subject: RE: Beverley - PVFF ten years
I agree with Jim that the festival has moved significantly towards a more site-based event and I'm not sure that the presence of very loud, amplified music until 2am every night is a step forwards, but popular opinion will out on that, I'm sure.

Neither does it help when they start cleaning (very noisily) and locking the portaloos at 6.45am on Monday morning!

But overall it was a great weekend and I think that Les and Maggie and Mick all did fantastically well running the singarounds. It was much appreciated.

Would definitely be up for an organised re-union event at next year's festival, and if we could buy a camping pass without having to pay for a full weekend ticket then it would be even better.

(There did seem to be a lot of empty space on the campsite)

Here's to next year.
