The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138256   Message #3176270
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
25-Jun-11 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011
Dog walk accomplished, and except for one small tangle with two snappy littler Jack Russell terriers that raced out of their yard and thought they'd like to take on 200 pounds of dogs, the walk was calm and relatively easy. They know they're going home to eat afterward, so they're the model of cooperativeness!

I mixed up a batch of liquid fertilizer, compost tea, molasses, and a little orange oil and plant wash and did the foliar feeding routine around the yard. There are a couple of more asparagus sprouts coming up where I honestly didn't expect any of them to make it, and I'm now also getting okra and chard sprouts.

The sun room and my eBay listings await. I've made enough progress that I'm inspired to finish the job. You know how that goes - when you can begin to see what you visualized, the reward is in seeing what you wanted it to look like.

I hope some of you are seeing enough summer to have your gardens start producing. I'm the opposite, I could use more rain so my garden will produce!