The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #3176338
Posted By: wysiwyg
25-Jun-11 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
So proud of our doggehs.

Sadie is now scooter-safe on the local rail-trails, with my scooter and her short leash, and is learning voice cues to go around the back when asked to change sides. She is also quite smart about moving on voice request to initiate a turn (so her toes stay safe), when we must turn. I'm using a combo of dog and horse languages. She figured out the program very quickly.

Faulkner continues to amaze me. On the one had he actually thought he could nose my fingers off his food bowl one day (NO!), but OTOH he is getting more and more responsive to eye-fingerpoint cues to go where I ask him to go. Today the complex task was to run up and get Sadie off whatever she was nosing into or chewing, upstairs, and get her to follow him down. He knows that no GOOD dog goes up there w/o our permission, so he asked with his eyes to be sure I DID really want him to run up there... his usual stair-safety procedure is to stay at least 4 steps behind me so he doesn't knock me downstairs, so he thought that he could certainly not go first!!! He went, albeit a tad slowly to be SURE.... But by the third time we did this, there was just my eyes and finger, and a little "go on" of murmured encouragement from me. Up he went, so happily and freely that Sadie was attracted to the fun she saw him having, and did follow him back down, and they then happily romped back to the respective places where they belonged, having had that good, strenuous stair-climb/roam.

Treats for all, YAY!
