The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138733   Message #3177354
Posted By: DrugCrazed
27-Jun-11 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Recording Music at Home
Subject: RE: Tech: Recording Music at Home
Sorry for not looking, I've been on the move since I posted this and haven't had a laptop to look at.

What I currently do is use a Shure SM57 and feed it straight into the mic input on my mobo, and a similar thing for any guitar work I do (except it goes through a DI box - name escapes me and it's currently in Sheffield). A direct recording on Audacity and I touch as little as possible except run the noise reduction at the end (there's a horrible crackling hence the post. Just tends to screw up any guitar recording for some reason).

So, I'm recording at too low a sample and singing too close to the mic? And I need a pop filter as well? I'll be back in Sheffield on the weekend and I'll rerecord King Gwin. I'd be grateful if someone could look at the guitar piece and see if my current tactic stands up to some sense of scrutiny.

I doubt it, but hey, I'm willing to learn.