The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3177630
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
28-Jun-11 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

In spite of very well-argued criticism, it seems that the Government is determined to press ahead with its idea of 'strengthening' the position of local authorities in dealing with pubs, as if the sanctions and controls they have are not good enough already.

Even some of my local authority friends are somewhat bemused by this. They do not recognise the picture painted of them in Home Office and ministerial pronouncements — as scared lame ducks, unable to stop the progress of powerful, monolithic brewers and retailers as they corrupt the young and create mayhem on the streets.

They point to the range of sanctions already available, to the increased police powers, to the review system and the use of these powers regularly to suspend or revoke licences. They do not see themselves as lame at all, but they like to take a balanced view of what is going on.

Yet there are few voices raised against this move, even in the Lords, where a sense of justice might still be seen to be paramount. True, Lord Clement-Jones, that redoubtable campaigner, has had a few words to say about the manipulation of the wording of the Licensing Act and the lack of clarity this will bring.

But there is no sense that in the long run the Government will not get its way, and the so-called 're-balancing' will simply mean stronger controls by those local authorities who wish to impose them.