The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3177887
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jun-11 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Yo, GfinS...

It's one thing to understand what people are feeling and quite another to support policies which will hurt the country... Sure, the Tea Party folks are scared and pissed off... Fine... Those are legitimate feelings that lots of folks have left, right and in between...

However, when these scared and pissed off Tea Baggers are organized into a big mob to threaten people, to thwart dialogue, to not be willing to compromise and to carry out the wishes of their masters (Koch brothers, Dick Armey, Freedom Works, Fox, health insurance lobby, etc) without so much as an ounce of respect or understanding for those not "like" them, I have a big problem... And so does the country...

There is a reason there are no black faces at the Tea Party rallies... There is a reason there are no Democrats... This mob is not inclusive at all... They are intolerant... They are like Taliban-Lite except when they get carried away and put on their thug hats...

The worst part of this is that the folks who pull the strings of the Tea Party purdy much fly under the radar... They have spent hundreds of million$$$ hiring "community organizer", paying rent in office, furnishing buses and literature, etc. and what they have is a lynch mob ready and willing to shout you or me down over any policy that the masters want done away with... In other words: dupes!!! Yes, the Tea Party folks are complete dupes... They are working against their own interests and don't even have a clue what they are doing...

What we need in this country is the ***truth***... What we get are lies, lies and more lies... If people are given the truth about a policy then they tend to show their intelligent side... When people are fed horse manure they show their moron side... Right now the Tea Party is being fed 100% USDA Choice horse manure by their masters...

As for Sawz, GfinS... Nah, I don't need to address him or read his horse manure... He is a rude person, a cyber stalker and has a severe personality disorder... He is also not honest... The Bible syas there are people like that and tells us to "shake the dust from our robes"... I tried a long time with Sawz and the various people/handles he has been over the years and he is not worth my time... I don't write people off easily but once I do, it's done...
