The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138807   Message #3178705
Posted By: josepp
29-Jun-11 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Bullshit
Subject: RE: BS: On Bullshit
Corrrrrrrinthian leather. Remember that? Ricardo Montalban made a car commercial many moons ago where he states that the car's seats are made of the finest "Corrrrrinthian leather."

Montalban said years later that when they shot the first take, the director was dissatisfied with Montalban simply saying, "...with seats made of fine leather." He wanted him to spice it up by saying fine Corinthian leather. Montalban reshot it and hammed it up by rolling the "r"--Corrrrrrinthian leather.

It became fodder for the late night skits and comedy shows. I remember Eugene Levy of SCTV when playing Montalban on a lampoon of "Fantasy Island" when he goes off on a rant and tears the whole Corinthian leather thing a new asshole.

So were they bullshitting or lying? It's a fine line becuase they just made up Corrrrrinthian leather but was it an out and out lie? Well, the seats were made of leather or at least they assumed so and so that's not a lie. Saying the leather was from Corrrrrinthia shows more of a disregard for the truth than a concealing of the truth. After all, people ridiculed the shit out of the commercial and so it wasn't like they cared if people found out that there is no Corrrrrinthian leather--in fact, there may be, that is, if Corinthia still existed--which it may for all they (or I) know or care.

So the apparent motive--to entice you with the car with the seats of fine Corrrrrrinthian leather--was a cover for the true motive--to get you to just buy the damned thing. So ultimately, I think the Corrrrrrinthian leather thing was bullshit rather than lying.