The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26401   Message #317977
Posted By: LR Mole
13-Oct-00 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Need Help With 60's Protest Songs
Subject: RE: Need Help With 60's Protest Songs
If memory serves,FWIW was Stills' rumination on the LA cops' treatment of the "freaks" on Sunset Strip, but by the time the song hit nationally, well, uniforms meant authority meant bad, or anyway, meant "not us": there was intentional misunderstanding, chosen blindness, missing many of the real bad people and hurting people we should have shared thought with.Being young, of course, we were both all-knowing and immortal, and I can't remember when that stopped being the case. Check out Phil Ochs, a great one gone too soon--I can hear him singing"And I know that you were younger once, 'cause you sure are older now..." (Sigh.)