The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62269   Message #3180512
Posted By: IvanB
02-Jul-11 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Où vas-tu, mon petit garçon? (Acadian)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: O� vas-tu, mon petit gar�on? (Acadian)
Q, I don't know how your browser is set up, but on mine (Firefox 5.0), Barry's text is unreadable and AC's is perfectly readable. The "boxes" to which you refer (I assume the black diamonds with the white question mark in them) are what gets substituted by Mudcat when posters don't use proper HTML sequences for acutes, graves and the like in foreign words. For me, Barry's text is full of these "boxes" as are many other posts on Mudcat.